Monday, March 17, 2008


Apparently, your third trimester of pregnancy is a terrible time to start a blog and be introduced to the blogging world. I am so exhausted every night by the time Chocolate Covered Peanut goes to bed. I spend only enough time on the computer to check email, pay bills, and do other necessary things - blogging has become one of the less-necessary things.

This week will be week 36, so I'm really counting down the days now. And they'd better go by fast, damn it! I don't feel as huge as I did with CCPeanut, but I'm at least ten times more uncomfortable. This baby boy is riding low in his cozy home and everything below what used to be my waist aches constantly. Plus, the last months that I was pregnant with CCP were during our summer vacation from school. So I was home with no toddler to chase and able to put my feet up and read a good book (or take a good nap) whenever the fancy struck me (which was most of the day, to tell the truth). This time around is not nearly as relaxing!

So, please pardon the sporadic and whiny posts. In four weeks I'll have completely new and more interesting problems to whine about!


Mamma Sarah said...

Hang in there. :-)

Antropóloga said...

That's for sure. Calm before the storm!