Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Over!

The four hour blood glucose ordeal is over! I still don't know the results, but I'm just glad it's done. Once I got past the first hour or so, it really wasn't bad at all. I discovered that reading made me sleepy and nauseous, but luckily I took another project along to pass the time. A huge box of photos and empty photo albums finally made each other's acquaintance and are now getting along quite well! As guilty as I feel admitting it, having toddler-free time to accomplish something was wonderful! When I took this test while pregnant with Chocolate Covered Peanut, I took just a book and a magazine. This time, I took books, magazines, newspapers, and the photo project (yes, easily half of my bedroom clutter). Can you tell how much more I value free time now than I did three years ago?


Mojavi said...

yea... the 6 hours I spent scrapbooking really gave me a mental boost! I am def doing it again!

way to go on posting!! you only have 4 more days :)!!!!

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

tick...tock.... Your time is almost up - I am think we should unveil Miss CCSusan on Monday.

Okay, this post most definitely brought back all the memories from when I had to do the test with Anju. Bah. I remember thinking of all the reading I was going to get done. I even took my laptop and hopped on someone's WiFi, thinking I was going to get some work done. hahahaHAHA. I ended up lying down on the floor of the waiting room. Fortunately, there was another gal there doing the same thing, so we passed the time by chatting away.